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With the great blessings of the revered saint Kobo Daishi and Shakyamuni, Oidai presented the foreign students with a wonderful opportunity in summer to be a language partner for the high school students and university students belonging to the Koyasan University, Kawachinagano Campus. This was followed up with a tour of the auspicious Mt. Koya in Wakayama Prefecture which created indelible memories and a learning experience unlike any other. This project and trip helped us personally grow and forge new bonds with students and gave us a window into the esoteric past of the country. Koyasan Project  The Koyasan project was started as a joint initiative in the summer of 2023 (from August 28th to September 2nd) between Otemon Gakuin University and the Koyasan University. Matsumiya Sensei from the Department of International Studies was extremely kind in providing the foreign students with a paid internship as a speaking partner to help other students. The students were welcomed with open arms by the students and the faculty at Koyasan University Kawachinagano Campus. The campus, which was in a picturesque region of southeast Osaka, had a pleasant and calm environment which eased any stress prior to the arrival. The Oidai students took turns within the period to serve as English speaking partners.  This program which was taught by Matsumiya Sensei was geared towards helping the nearby high school students and the university students with their English skills which involved speaking, writing and presentation preparation. The primary goal of the program was to make friends, gain confidence and enjoy the language learning process. The students were first given a mock TOEIC test to help assess the shortcomings and gain confidence in one’s strengths. The course also featured several tongue twisters and debate sessions based on Ablish articles. Although this seemed difficult for the students, the language partners put forth their best efforts to help assess and improve their confidence while expressing their opinions. Although the high school students spent only first two days of the program, they were rewarded for their efforts, and some have expressed interest in pursuing their English language journey. The university students were further aided with their writing and presentation skills. Throughout the course, Oidai students also received delicious organic bread and snacks. This entire course was focused with the goal of learning and practicing knowledge from an international perspective.  Overall, the program helped me to gain a new perspective on language learning and the idea of integrating this learning with others so that we can jointly win as opposed to doing it individually. Furthermore, it helped us forge new bonds and friendships. Koyasan Field Trip  After the successful project, Koyasan University invited all the foreign students from the Department of International Studies to visit the sacred and holy Mt. Koya in Wakayama. This tour was not only a reward for the project but also a paramount learning experience for the students about Japanese culture, Buddhism and history. The tour which was held on November 19th covered Koyasan from Okunoin to Kongobuji. Throughout the entire trip, Mr. Nakayama, a student at Koyasan University and a monk in training played an indispensable role in sharing the significance of Koyasan and the culture that is embedded there. Although located quite far from downtown Osaka, the train ride through Nankai Koya line and the cable car ride to the mountain was extremely enchanting and captivating. It is known that Koyasan is considered as the most sacred spot in Japanese Buddhism and is home to the Shingon sect (an esoteric sect originating from ancient China with its base teachings from India). This sacred atmosphere can be felt upon arriving at the cable care station which features vibrations unlike elsewhere. Upon meeting Matsumiya sensei and Mr. Nakamura, the students were given a guided tour starting with Okunoin. Located on the eastern end of Koyasan, Okunoin is the tomb of the revered saint Kobo Daishi (also known as Kukai) who was the founder of the Shingon sect. Okunoin also features that largest graveyard in Japan with the ashes of important personalities buried here. It was astonishing to note that the remains of the daimyo Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi are buried here. Okunoin deals with beliefs of life and death from Shingon perspective. The site features unique superstitious areas and teachings of life, death and the subsequent afterlife. Okunoin also surprisingly features unique tombstones dedicated to the founders and workers of corporations such as Nissan, UCC, Yakult which is quite unique to Japan. After a delicious meal, the students were taken to Kongobuji and the main hall. Kongobuji being the head temple features scrolls featuring important saints, the various deities and Shakyamuni Buddha in his various avatars. Although Shingon has various teachings which might differ from other sects such as Pure Land Buddhism, the underlying principle remains that Buddha is in all of us and necessity to understand the concept of nirvana or enlightenment. The teachings of Shingon and Kukai which were based on Indian philosophies and Sanskrit scripts played a key role in lives of people during Heian period and continue to do so in the present day. The complex featured smaller temples and a holy tree which is said to be the mystical beginning of Koyasan. Several of us were blessed with good omen at the tree while searching for the holy branches nearby. Throughout the entire tour, Mr. Nakamura’s passionate and detailed explanation helped the students understand the relevance of Koyasan. The tour ended with a group photograph in front of the statue of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar at Koyasan University main campus. The statue was dedicated to the architect of Indian constitution and a torchbearer of equality in India whose philosophy was heavily influenced by Buddhism. As we reflect, this tour had an unimaginable impact as it offered a spiritual and a historical perspective into Japan. To understand Japan and the concept of glocalism, it is highly essential to understand philosophy, religion and culture which are dear to locals. This tour was eye opening and mesmerizing in ways unlike any other. Reflection  The project helped me to understand various perspectives of language learning. Matsumiya Sensei’s motto of learning and speaking in an intelligible manner as opposed to being perfect was something that stuck with me dearly. It is necessary for the students overcome the idea of perfectionism and understand that accents are not a handicap but one’s identity. This project rewarded with me ideas on what I can do to become a bridge between India and Japan or Japan and the rest of the world. In terms of Koyasan trip, I strongly believe that Shakyamuni blessed all of us as the trip was rewarding in many ways. These cultural trips help create an image and perspective which may not be possible through books. Learning more about a particular place helps build a new sense of appreciation for the place. I am extremely thankful to Matsumiya Sensei for offering us this wonderful and authentic experience and acting as a pillar of support throughout the entire program. I want to thank Professor Obino, faculty and students at Koyasan University for welcoming us and taking part with us. I want to thank Mr. Nakamura for taking time out and passionately explaining Koyasan which helped us gain a new sense of appreciation for the place. I finally wish to personally thank my classmates for joining me in this beautiful journey and creating lifelong memories. Based on learning outcomes and gained experiences, my advice to other students is to take part in such programs and not miss such opportunities offered by Oidai. 大学紹介 ご挨拶 学長メッセージ 言伝 大学概要 学びの特色 広報・パンフレット キャンパス紹介 各種取組み 情報公開一覧 お問い合わせ 学部・大学院 学部 大学院 学びの特色 全学部共通カリキュラム 教学関連 教育支援 特色 キャンパスライフ 頑張る追大生VOICE 追大スポーツWEB 証明書・手続 学費・経済的支援 学生生活サポート 健康管理 学友会追風 課外活動 国際交流・留学 海外留学を希望する方へ 留学帰国後レポート キャンパス内国際交流 私費外国人留学生の方へ 国際連携企画課 キャリア・就職 企業・団体の方へ キャリア・就職|卒業生の方へ 研究・産学官連携 研究方針 産学官連携 学術成果 研究支援 研究所・センター 施設 教育関連施設 学生用施設 その他の施設 地域連携・社会貢献 社会連携 追手門学院大学×ガンバ大阪 学生による地域交流活動 茨木安威キャンパス 〒567-8502 大阪府茨木市西安威2丁目1番15号 茨木総持寺キャンパス 〒567-0013 大阪府茨木市太田東芝町1番1号 このサイトについて|個人情報の取扱いについて|サイトマップ TOPページへ|採用情報|追手門学院倫理憲章|ソーシャルメディアポリシー|メールマガジンについて|監査部門|株式会社オーティーエム Copyright © Otemon Gakuin University.  All Right Reserved. 入試情報サイト 資料請求 アクセス

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