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--> Programs Thematic Programs What is a Thematic Program? Thematic programs are scientific programs in which distinguished researchers are invited to Tohoku University to identify and discuss important problems across all fields of research. A thematic program consists of two core components: the long-term stay of invited researchers, and the hosting of multiple events related to the program’s theme. Thematic programs aim to identify new approaches related to address critical problems. Under the guidance of the organizers, visitors will engage in collaborative research on the thematic program’s main issues. Long-term stay visitors will interact actively with other participants, and in particular will inspire and educate young participants via lectures and free discussions. Thus a thematic program will function as a virtual institute during its period of activity. Each program runs for approximately three months, either in the Spring period (April to June), Summer period (July to September), Fall period (October to December), or Winter period (January to March). The following examples are typical events which may be held in a thematic programs: 1. Conferences and symposia; 2. Short-duration(one to two week)workshops; 3. Tutorials (or one week schools) for students and postdoctoral researchers; 4. Public events for the local community. &#9654; Propose a Thematic Program Thematic Programs What is a Thematic Program? Current and Upcoming Programs Past Programs Junior Research Programs What is a Junior Research Program? Current and Upcoming Programs Past Programs Future Society Design Programs What is a Future Society Design Program? Current and Upcoming Programs Past Programs Emerging Perspectives Programs What is an Emerging Perspectives Program? Current and Upcoming Programs Past Programs

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