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Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Themes Researchers JP Top Life Sciences Application of Nuroimaging Technique to Interface Evaluation Application of Nuroimaging Technique to Interface Evaluation JAPANESEINQUIRY update:2020/06/16   NEXT PREV Features and Uniqueness Nuclear power plants, chemical plants, ironworks and smelters, aircrafts and others that involve large-scale and complex systems yield many benefits to society and daily life, but a serious accident in such systems may result in dire consequences and significant damage. As long as there is human intervention of any kind, it is difficult to completely avoid human error. In light of this, it is crucial to have the mindset of "to err is human, (to forgive divine)." Takahashi Laboratory advocates the improvement of safety based on the harmonization of humans, machines and the environment. The object of our research is the human. Incorporating neuroscience approach and knowledge, we probe into human cognitive and behavioral traits and reflect our findings back into our research with the cooperation of this university&#039;s Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer as well as practicing specialists and technical experts. Through our broad vision, flexible mindset and creativity, we pioneer interfaces between humans and systems where safety is ingrained. Practical Application The core of our research is the examination and understanding of the human factor to be taken into account for the safe and efficient operation of large scale, complex systems, and we are involved in the research of a wide array of subjects not limited to nuclear energy systems but air traffic control operations, man-machine interfaces, cyber security, standardization of rules among others. Keywords Nuroimaging Man-Machine Interface Usability MRI NIRS Researchers Graduate School of Engineering Makoto Takahashi, ProfessorDoctor of Engineering Laboratory Website researchmap Laboratory Website researchmap Browsing History User Who Reviewed This Content Also Reviewed Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy as a New, Non-Invasive Angiogenic Therapy [ SHIMOKAWA Hiroaki Professor ] Molecular Imaging from Basic Research to Clinical Application [ YANAI Kazuhiko Professor ] Noninvasive Ultrasonic Measurement of Dynamic Properties of Heart and Arteries [ Hiroshi Kanai Professor ] Research Profiles ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY How to Use FAQ For Researchers Site Policy [jp] ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Fields Themes Researchers 日本語 ENGLISH Close

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