


出典: 標準

→ Japanese Version Welcome to Hanyu/Natsui/Onizawa Laboratory! The research theme of this laboratory is very large scale integrated-circuit (VLSI) design technology based on a new way of thinking. In this laboratory, we aim to surpass the limits of conventional VLSI systems through new paradigm system architectures that actively exploit new materials and device characteristics alongside conventional CMOS design. -> Continuation detail->LINK For B3 students->LINK Recent topics 2020/01/23 Mr. Arimitsu(HGST Japan,Ltd.), our laboratory's OB, visited. 2020/01/17 Mr. Mizusawa(FANUC Corporation), our laboratory's OB, visited. 2020/01/17 Mr. Zhong gave a training presentation. 2019/12/20 Mr. Suda (Fujitsu Limited), our laboratory's OB, visited. 2019/12/20 The final presentation of Creativity engineering training for freshman was held. 2019/12/18 Mr. Shin has been awarded the IEICE Tohoku Section Student Best Paper Award. 2019/11/27-29 Mr. Arakawa received Best Young Professional Paper Award at ICECS held in Genoa, Italy. 2019/11/25 Chiba's master's thesis preliminary examination was conducted. 2019/11/14 Mr. Chiba won the Design Gaia Poster Award at Design Gaia 2019 in Matsuyama City. 2019/11/9 An inter-house Ekiden was held. After that, we held an oden party jointly with Sato Lab and Horio Lab, and a welcome party for Mr. Zhong Fang.詳細はこちら 2019/11/6-7 A laboratory tour for third-year undergraduate students was held. 2019/10/19 Due to the rain, the planned Imoni party was canceled. 2019/10/12-13 The planned Katahira Festival was canceled due to the typhoon. 2019/10/01 Zhong Fang joined as a research member. 2019/09/09 The results of the graduate school entrance examination in April 2020 were announced and Mr. Kato passed. 2019/08/27-29 A graduate school entrance examination for Tohoku University was held. 2019/08/10 kevin J Hine finished Junior Year Program in English (JYPE) and returned to his country. 2019/07/31 We had a farewell party for Kevin J Hine. 2019/06/25 We celebrated the end of training A.Pictures 2019/06/19 Mr. Chiba was awarded the encouraging prize by IPSJ-TOHOKU. 2019/06/17 This day was the deadline for submission of a paper of 2019 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan. 2019/06/14 Prof. Martin Lukac visited the laboratory. 2019/06/09 Prof. Jean-Philippe Diguet has returned to France. 2019/06/05 We had a farewell party for Mr. Jean-Philippe Diguet. 2019/05/09 Prof. Warren Gross visited in our laboratory. 2019/05/08 Prof. Jean-Philippe Diguet was invited in our laboratory. 2019/04/11 A cherry-blossom viewing party was held on campus.詳細はこちら 2019/04/01 Kevin J Hine joined us as another member. 2019/03/27-30 Dr. Hanyu visited McGill University in Canada for WISE Program for AI Electronics. 2019/03/27 ImPACT termination evaluation was performed. 2019/03/27 Diploma ceremony was held. Pictures 2019/03/22 A Kickoff Symposium of WISE Program for AI Electronics was held. 2019/03/18 We held a farewell party for Mr. Suda, Mr. Nishino and Mr. Mukaida. Pictures 2019/02/19 A press release of research results by our research team was printed in Science Daily. 2019/02/01-06 Master's thesis defense was held. Pictures 2019/01/26-27 Yoneda project debriefing session was held. 2018/12/19 We held Bohnenkai (end-of-year party). Pictures 2018/12/18 Brainware engineering study seminar (Japanese) will be held. 2018/11/30~12/05 Master's thesis preliminary examination meeting will be held. 2018/11/29~12/02 Dr. Hanyu will participate in a joint meeting at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2018/11/10 We attended the laboratory opposition Ekiden Convention. After that, we hold Oden party. 2018/11/7,8 We held laboratory tour for jounier student. 2018/10/21~23 Dr. Ng(University of Tronto)had an invited talk at Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium 2018 (NVMTS) at Sendai, Japan. 2018/10/17 Dr. Matsuoka visited our laboratory. 2018/10/13 We held Imoni party. Pictures 2018/10/06,07 We run a booth at Open to the public at Research Institute of Elecrtical Communication (Japanese). Pictures 2018/10/05 Creativity engineering training (Japanese) started for freshman in our laboratry. 2018/08/27 Mr. Smithson (who is international student) went back to Canada. 2018/06/27 We held a End-of-training-A party. Pictures 2018/06/04 Mr. Smithson (from McGill university), Canada became a member of our laboratory for international student.カナダ,マギル大学のSean Smithson氏が来訪されました. 2018/04/09 We held a Cherry-blossom viewing party. Pictures 2018/03/27 Commencement ceremony was held. Pictures 2018/03/15 Mr. Smithson (from McGill university) visited our laboratory. 2018/03/08 We held a Mr. Katoh's farewell party. Pictures 2018/02/27 Member's page was updated. Details 2018/01/01 Mr. Katsumata (who is an alumnus) gave us New Year's card. Details (only for members) 2017/11/25 研究室対抗駅伝大会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2017/10/15 研究室内芋煮会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2017/10/07,08  東北大学電気通信研究所 通研公開が行われました. 2017/09/28 院試祝勝会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2017/08/22 Sean Smithsonさんがプログラムを終え,帰国されました. 詳細はこちら 2017/07/09 研究室内テニス会が開催されました. 詳細はこちら 2017/07/05 第1回ブレインウェア研究会を開催しました. 詳細はこちら 2017/06/27 研修A打上げ兼Seanさん歓迎会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2017/06/20 カナダ・マギル大学のSean Smithsonさんが留学生として来られました. 詳細はこちら 2017/06/20 Loren Lugoschさんがプログラムを終え,帰国されました. 2017/05/31 Warren J. Gross教授が帰国されました. 2017/05/01 カナダ・マギル大学のWarren J. Gross教授が客員教授として,Loren Lugoschさんが留学生として来られました. 詳細はこちら 2017/04/14 研究室内花見が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2017/02/13 Campillo Ageitos Elenaさんが短期留学プログラムを終え,帰国されました. 詳細はこちら 2017/02/01 カナダ・トロント大学のWai Tung Ng教授が客員教授として来られました. 2016/12/20 卒業論文中間報告会と忘年会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2016/12/02 宮城の魅力を公開するYoutubeチャンネル「ハシュカリ」に当研究室の留学生,エレナさんの動画が公開されました. 詳細はこちら 2016/11/30 仙台フォーラム2016 人間社会と人工知能にて羽生教授が講演を行いました. 2016/11/15 通研電気工業(株)にて羽生教授が招待講演を行いました. 2016/11/05 研究室対抗駅伝大会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2016/10/23 研究室内芋煮会が行われました. 詳細はこちら 2016/10/01 Campillo Ageitos Elenaさんが研究室メンバーに加わりました. 2016/08/25 羽生教授が日本学術振興会シリコン超集積システム第165委員会 VLSI夏の学校で講演を行いました. 2016/07/27,28  東北大学オープンキャンパスに出展参加しました. 詳細はこちら 2016/07/22 研究室内コーヒーセミナーが行われました. 詳細はこちら 2016/06/24 各種学会 (ULSI Workshop 2016, ISMVL2016) ・イベント (お花見,望月さん送別会) がありました. 詳細はこちら 2016/06/20 不揮発マイコン機能ブロック (FPGA) の研究成果が日本経済新聞 (2016年6月20日朝刊15面) に掲載されました. 詳細はこちら 2015/06/09 脳型LSIに関する研究成果が日経産業新聞に掲載されました (6月5日) . 2015/06/03 脳型LSIに関する研究成果が河北新報に掲載されました (5月30日) . 詳細はこちら 新聞記事のPDFファイルはこちらのリンクから入手可能です(「K201505300A0S306X00012」で検索). --> Presentation / Results 2019/12/26 Dr. Hanyu had an invited talk at Canon Medical Systems Corporation. 2019/12/24 Dr. Hanyu had an invited talk at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. 2019/12/19 An interim report meeting was held by fourth graders. 2019/12/18 The 3rd Brainware Engineering Workshop was held. 2019/12/13-14 An international workshop related to Brainware LSI project was held in Hawaii. 2019/11/27-29 Dr. Onizawa, Mr. Arakawa and Mr. Shin had a presentation at ICECS held in Genova. 2019/11/23 Dr. Hanyu and Dr. Natsui attended the NPC workshop held at Hosei University. 2019/11/13-15 Mr. Chiba had a presentation at Design Gaia 2019held in Matsuyama. 2019/11/13-15 Mr. Shin had a presentation at IEICE 34th SIP symposium held in Tottori City. 2019/11/8 An interim report meeting of Brainware LSI project was held. 2019/11/3-6 Dr. Onizawa had a presentation at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. 2019/10/30 Mr. Chiba made a presentation at the 2nd Brainware engineering study seminar (Japanese). 2019/10/14-17 Dr. Natsui had a presentation at S3S held in San jose. 2019/09/14-15 Mr. Tamakoshi made a presentation at the multi-valued logic forum held in Miyazaki. 2019/09/10-11 Dr. Onizawa gave an invited talk at Purdue University. 2019/09/02-05 Dr. Suzuki made a general presentation at 2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials. 2019/09/02-05 Dr. Natsui presented at a short course of 2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials. 2019/09/02 Dr. Onizawa was on the stage at a research exchange meeting of Research Institute of Electrical Communication as a panelist. 2019/09/02 Mr. Tamakoshi, a researcher at hanyu lab had a poster presentation at a research exchange meeting of Research Institute of Electrical Communication. 2019/08/22-23 Mr. Arakawa, Mr. Shin and Mr. Yamagishi, a master's student had a presentation at 2019 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan at Akita University. 2019/08/09 Mr. Shin had a presenation as part of WISE Program for AI Electronics. 2019/07/03 Mr. Hine had a presentation at the laboratory. 2019/07/02 Dr. Suzuki had a research presenation at study group on Brainware at Tohoku University. 2019/06/25 Mr. Kato and Mr. Sasaki presented the results of training A at the laboratory. 2019/06/10-11 Dr. Hanyu had a research presentation at Iwasaki Conference at Chuo University. 2019/06/09-14 Dr. Natsui acted as an organizer at 2019 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits in Kyoto. 2019/05/21-23 Mr. Chiba had a research presentation at ISMVL in Canada.詳細はこちら 2019/05/20 Dr. Natsui had a research presenation at ULSI Workshop in Canada. 2019/05/16-19 Dr. Hanyu and Dr. Onizawa had a research presentation at Shonan Meeting in Kanagawa. 2019/05/13-14 Dr. Natsui acted as the moderator at LSI systems workshop at The University of Tokyo. 2019/05/12-15 Dr. Hanyu organized a special session and its chair at ASYNC 2019 in Hirosaki. 2019/05/12-15 Dr. Onizawa had a research presentation at ASYNC 2019 in Aomori. 2019/03/24-26 Dr. Natsui had a research presentation at CIES Technology Forum. 2019/03/22 Dr. Hanyu had a research presentation at Symposium of Yotta Informatics Research Platform for Yotta-Scale Data Science 2019. 2019/03/11-13 Dr. Onizawa had a research presentation at the RIKEN International Workshop. 2019/03/04 Dr. Suzuki had a poster presentation at ImPACT final debriefing session. 2019/03/01-02 Dr. Natsui, Dr. Suzuki and Dr. Onizawa had a research presentation at The 6th International Symposium on Brainware LSI. 2019/02/21 A research report related to Dr. Hanyu and Dr. Onizawa was held at the Collaborative project debriefing session. 2019/02/17-21 Dr. Natsui had a research presentation at International Solid-State Circuits Conference in San Francisco, U.S. 2019/01/12-13 Mr. Chiba had a research presentation at 32nd multiple-valued logic and its application (Japanese) at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Pictures 2018/12/13-15 Dr. Suzuki had a poster presentation at CSRN-OSAKA Annual Workshop 2018. Pictures 2018/12/09~12 Mr. Nishino had a research presentation at 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS) at Bordeaux, France. Pictures 2018/12/05 Dr. Hanyu had an invited talks at Design Gaia 2018 (Japanese) at Hiroshima, Japan. Pictures 2018/11/27 Dr. Hanyu gave a lecture at "IPS continuous seminor 2018 (Japanese)". 2018/11/09 Mr. Suda, Mr. Nishino and Mr. Mukaida had short presentation and poster presentation at Brainware engineering study seminer (Japanese). 2018/10/22 Dr. Hanyu had an invited talk at Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium 2018 (NVMTS) at Sendai, Japan. 2018/10/15 Dr. Natsui had a research presentation at S3S 2018 at San Francisco 2018/10/12 An interim meeting of brain ware LSI project was held. 2018/09/11~14 Dr. Onizawa and Mr. Nishino had a research presentation at IEICE society conference 2018 at Kanazawa, Japan. 2018/09/09~13 Dr. Hanyu had an invited talk and Dr. Natsui and Dr. Suzuki had a research presentation at 2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM) at Tokyo, Japan. Pictures 2018/09/06, 07 Dr. Suzuki and Mr. Chiba had a research presentation at 2018 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers at Morioka, Japan. Pictures 2018/08/28-31 Dr. Hanyu had an invited talk at The 7th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA) at Hakodate, Japan. 2018/06/05 Dr. Suzuki and Dr. Hanyu received "2017year Best Poster Award" in the presentation of "The 3rd 【ImPACT】 International Symposium on Spintronic Memory, Circuit and Storage" 2018/05/15-18 Mr. Suda an Mr. Mukaida had a research presentation at IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL) 2018 at Lintz, Austria. Pictures 2018/05/14 Mr. Kato (who is an alumnus) received "The Young Scientist Presentation Award in IEICE Electronics Society Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices" at Design Gaia 2017. Details 2018/05/09-11 Dr. Onizawa had a research presentation at Emerging Technologies: Communications, Microsystems, Optoelectronics, Sensors (ETCMOS) 2018 Conference at Whistler, Canada. 2018/03/27 Dr. Onizawa and Dr. Suzuki received "ECEI Young Excellence Research Award FY2017 (Japanese)". Deteils (Japanese) 2018/03/12 Dr. Natsui had an invited talk at "China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) 2018 at Shanghai, China. 2018/02/23 Dr. Natsui, Dr. Onizawa and Dr. Suzuki had a research presentation at The 5th International Symposium on Brainware LSI at Sendai, Japan. 2018/01/06 Dr. Suzuki, Mr. Suda, Mr. Nishino and Mr. Mukaida had a research presentation at 31th multiple-valued logic and its application (Japanese) at Kanagawa, Japan. Pictures 2017/11/06 Mr. Katoh had a research presentation at Design Gaia 2017 at Kumamoto, Japan. Pictures 2017/09/01 鈴木助教が2017年度電気通信研究所研究交流会で発表しました. 2017/08/24 須田君,西野君,向田君が電気関係学会東北支部連合大会で発表しました.詳細はこちら 2017/08/08 羽生教授がHanyang大学との交流ワークショップで発表しました. 2017/07/19 鬼沢助教がブレインウェア工学研究会で発表しました. 2017/06/07 加藤君が情報処理学会東北支部奨励賞を受賞しました.詳細はこちら 2017/05/16 須田君がLSIとシステムのワークショップで発表しました.詳細はこちら 2017/02/25 夏井准教授,鬼沢助教,鈴木助教がThe 4th International Symposium on Brainware LSIで発表しました. 2017/01/31 Campillo Ageitos Elenaさんが研修成果発表会で発表を行いました. 2017/01/31 鈴木君,金垣君,齋藤君が創造工学研修発表会で発表を行いました. 2017/01/13 菅谷君と田畑君が修士論文予備審査会で発表を行いました. 2017/01/07,08  加藤君が多値論理とその応用研究会で発表を行いました. 2016/10/31~11/04     鈴木助教がMMM2016で発表しました. 2016/10/31  玉越研究員がデザインガイア2017で発表しました. 2016/09/26~29  夏井准教授,鬼沢助教,鈴木助教がSSDM2016で発表しました. 2016/09/10,11  鬼沢助教が第39回多値論理フォーラムで発表しました. 2016/08/30,31  加藤君が電気関係学会東北支部連合大会で発表しました. 2016/06/22 菅谷君が情報処理学会東北支部奨励賞を受賞しました. 2016/06/16,17  鬼沢助教が電子情報通信学会回路とシステム研究会で発表しました. 2016/05/19 鬼沢助教が第46回多値論理国際シンポジウム(ISMVL2016)にて発表を行い,Kenneth C. Smith Early Career Award for Microelectronics Researchを受賞しました.詳細はこちら 2016/05/17 田畑君が25th International Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systemsにて発表を行い,Student Poster Awardを受賞しました.詳細はこちら 2016/03/15~18  鈴木助教が電子情報通信学会総合大会で発表しました. 2016/01/09,10  鈴木助教,菅谷君,田畑君が第 29 回多値論理とその応用研究会で発表しました. 2015/11/20,21  片桐君が非線形問題研究会で発表しました. 2015/11/12 夏井準教授が応用物理学会スピントロニクス研究会・日本磁気学会スピンエレクトロニクス専門研究会・日本磁気学会ナノマグネティックス専門研究会共同主催研究会で発表しました. 2015/11/04~06  片桐君が非線形問題研究会で発表しました. 2015/09/12,13  夏井準教授と大澤君が第38回多値論理フォーラムで発表しました. 2015/08/27,28  田畑君と菅谷君が平成27年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会で発表しました. 2015/07/10 鬼沢助教がNANOARCH2015 (ボストン) で発表しました. 2015/06/26 鈴木助教がVLSI Circuit Symposium 2015 (京都) で発表しました (6月18日) . 詳細はこちら 2015/06/26 羽生教授が2015 Spintronics Workshop on LSIで発表しました (6月15日) . 詳細はこちら 2015/06/07 大澤君がNEWCAS2015 (グルノーブル) で発表しました. 2015/05/16 夏井准教授と片桐君がISMVL2015 (札幌) で発表しました. 2015/04/17 羽生教授が電子情報通信学会ICD研究会で発表しました. 2015/04/15 羽生貴弘教授が「平成27年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞 (研究部門)」を受賞しました (4月15日) . 詳細はこちら 2015/07/10~13  鈴木助教,大澤君,夕部君が電子情報通信学会総合大会で発表しました.詳細はこちら 2015/07/10,11  片桐君と阿久津君が第28回多値論理とその応用研究会で発表しました. --> Future plans 2020/02/03 Master's thesis defense will be held. 2020/02/07-09 We will hold a ski camp with Sato Lab and Horio Lab. 2020/02/10-11 Mr. Yamagishi will give a poster presentaion at The 3rd Symposium for The Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics. 2020/02/13-15 Mr. Oka will give a poster presentation at The 8th RIEC International Symposium on Brain Functions and Brain Computer. 2020/02/28-29 Dr. Natsui, Onizawa, and Suzuki will give presentations at the 2020 International Symposium on Brainware LSI, chaired by Dr. Hanyu. 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