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Rokkasho Village, Aomori Prefecture Official Homepage languageEnglishChinese한국어 menu Home Introduction of Village And the village Energy Sightseeing Anti-Disaster Lifestyle Guide Administration Congress For business operators language: English Chinese 한국어 Introduction of Village Rokkasho Village Official Web Site Group NAV Home Introduction of Village For business operators BreadCrumb You are currently here: Home Introduction of Village History Introduction of Village Introduction of Village Access History Culture Industry International exchange Charter of the village Statistics The 4th Rokkasho Village Comprehensive Promotion Plan Directory Outline of public facilities Printing History Origin of Rokkasho Village Place Name Rokkasho Village was formed by six villages gathering with the enforcement of the Meiji town and village system. A biography that each name comes from a horse is left in a document about 200 years ago. Since ancient times, this area has been known as a production area of famous horses, and in the Kamakura period, the famous horse "Ikezuki" became a war horse of Yoritomo Minamoto. The place where the horse came out of the gate was "Deto", and the height was like a hawk waiting area, so "Takahoko" because the back was flat like a swamp, "Hiranuma (Hiranuma) ", Kamakura" and "Kurauchi" was spotted, and "Kurauchi" (Obuchi). "Kimura Documents" describing legends related to the place names of villages   Masumi Sugae and Obuchi no Maki In the winter of Kansei 5 (1793), there was a person who visited Rokkasho-mura to see "Obuchi no Maki" written in the late Heian Japanese poem collection. It is Masumi Sugae (1754-1829), a traveler from the Edo period. Masumi has been spending about two weeks in this village since November 30 in the lunar calendar, singing and painting the nature and people, and leaving a travel diary. Masumi Sugae (Akita Prefectural Museum Collection) Night's botage   A mate hut in Obuchi "Obuchi no Maki,"   Round bugs The existing Maruki boat in the Tomari district was used as an iso boat to take abalone and seaweed until the 1930s. Maruki boats are said to have been less susceptible to the wind because the bottom of the boat, and it is said that it was easier to work than other ships, indicating the wisdom and ingenuity of the predecessors. One of them is designated as a nationally designated important tangible folk cultural property. "Tonight's Marukibune,"   Jomon archaeological site There are 145 archeological sites here in Rokkasho Village, such as the Tominosawa Site and the Oishidaira archeological site. The Tominosawa archeological site, considered one of the largest settlements in Aomori Prefecture, is believed to have been a large settlement consisting of about 500 houses between 4,700 and 4,000 years ago in to. In addition, from the Oishidaira archeological site in the late Jomon period, children's bills and footprints have been found along with the ruins of the village. These archeological sites are very valuable materials for knowing the life of Jomon. Left: Bent nose-turned Right: Pottery with red lacquer cut-colored pots   Kagura In Rokkasho Village, there is a kagura that has been handed down to each village for a long time. Broadly speaking, there are Taikagura and Yamabushi Kagura, but among them, they are divided into several systems, such as the Hayachine system and Noh dance, and differ from village to village. Kagura is dedicated to the shrine on the day of the festival, and on the New Year, prays around the houses. In order to protect this traditional culture, the village designates kagura as an intangible cultural property, and the people of the preservation society pass it on to the next generation.   Village-designated intangible cultural property "Tomari Kagura" Village Designated Intangible Cultural Property "Niiyama Gongen" Published: August 2, 2011/  Updated: November 1, 2011 Printing Return At the beginning of the page --> Site Navigation All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2024 Rokkasho Village Official Website Site map Search by organisation Rokkasho village office 〒039-3212 Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori 475, Nozuki, Obuchi TEL: 0175-72-2111 (Representative) FAX: 0175-72-2603 Site map Search by organisation ©︎Rokkasho Village.

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