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Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Themes Researchers JP Top Manufacturing Technology Development of Fall-Prevention Footwear Based on Mechanical Analysis of Slip-Related Falls Development of Fall-Prevention Footwear Based on Mechanical Analysis of Slip-Related Falls JAPANESEINQUIRY update:2020/06/16       NEXT PREV Features and Uniqueness The number of fatalities due to falling accidents indoor/outdoor has increased in Japan as well as in other advanced countries. The fatalities due to falling accidents in a year have exceeded those due to traffic accidents in Japan recently. Because more than 80% of the fatalities are elderly people, it is considered an urgent issue to prevent their falling. We have conducted researches on falling during walking due to induced slip, in the contact interface of shoe sole and floor, through tribological and biomechanical approaches. We clarified the required values of static friction coefficient (figure 1), between shoe sole and floor, and how to gait to prevent slipping through kinetic analysis of gait. We also succeeded in the development of a unique footwear outsole having the high-grip property (figure 2) and high slip-resistant concrete pavement blocks (figure 3) through the collaboration with regional companies. We have recently conducted research and development of footwear that is able to prevent falls due to balance loss after slipping. Practical Application Products for fall prevention in daily life or in work site. Evaluation of slip resistance of footwear and floor materials. Keywords tribology biomechanics slip fall elderly people Researchers Graduate School of Engineering Takeshi Yamaguchi, ProfessorDoctor of Engineering Laboratory Website researchmap Laboratory Website researchmap Related Information PublicationTakeshi Yamaguchi, Tomoki Umetsu, Yusuke Ishizuka, Kenichi Kasuga, Takayuki Ito, Satoru Ishizawa and Kazuo Hokkirigawa, Development of new footwear sole surface pattern for prevention of slip-related falls [Safety Science, 50, 2012, 986-994.] Browsing History Common Keywords Development of a Numerical Prediction System for Sliding Part Wear and Seizure Occurrence Portions [ 石本 淳 教授 ] User Who Reviewed This Content Also Reviewed Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy as a New, Non-Invasive Angiogenic Therapy [ SHIMOKAWA Hiroaki Professor ] Molecular Imaging from Basic Research to Clinical Application [ YANAI Kazuhiko Professor ] Noninvasive Ultrasonic Measurement of Dynamic Properties of Heart and Arteries [ Hiroshi Kanai Professor ] Research Profiles ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY How to Use FAQ For Researchers Site Policy [jp] ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Fields Themes Researchers 日本語 ENGLISH Close

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