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--> JAPANESE Information About RIGST Introduce Organization Academic Staff Research Activities InstrumentalAnalysis Center Publication Publication News Letter Home >&#160; Research Activities >&#160; The 10th International Symposium &#8220;ISFAR-SU 2024&#8221; was held Research Activities 2024.03.18 The 10th International Symposium &#8220;ISFAR-SU 2024&#8221; was held Invited speakers Opening Remarks by Kazuyuki Hizume, President of Shizuoka University Plenary Speech: Professor Hideki Hashimoto (Kwansei Gakuin University) Six departments of Shizuoka University, “Research Institute of Electronics”, “Research Institute of Green Science and Technology”, “Graduate School of Science and Technology”, “Graduate school of Medical Photonics”, “Headquarters for promotion of Interdisciplinary Domain Research” and “Future Scientists' School (FSS) program” jointly held “The 10th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Research at Shizuoka University 2024” by online on Wednesday, March 6th. This symposium has been held annually since 2014 with the aim of deepening the diversity, internationality, and innovation of research and education at Shizuoka University. This year, about 90 researchers and students in research fields centered on informatics, energy systems, nanovision science, nanomaterials, basic research, environmental science, integrated bioscience and medical photonics participated in it. The symposium began with the opening remarks by Kazuyuki Hizume, President of Shizuoka University. In the morning session, at first, Prof. Hideki Hashimoto, from Kwansei Gakuin University, gave a plenary lecture. And then, 50 students and young researchers were divided into 4 sessions according to their research fields and presented their research. The presenters included 6 high school students who are participating in FSS operated by Shizuoka University as a consignment project of the "Global Science Campus" of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). After each oral presentation, the presenters had a question-and-answer session and exchanged opinions with the participants about their research. In the afternoon session, 8 invited speakers from universities and research institutes in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Lithuania, Slovakia and Japan gave lectures. At the award ceremony after all the sessions finished, 6 graduate students and 6 high school students won Best Presentation Award. Although the event was held online, the participants were able to discuss actively with each other, providing a good opportunity to further promote international joint research and foster the next generation of global researchers. We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to all the speakers and all those involved in this event. Preview Back Next Shizuoka University Research Institute of Green Science and Technology TopPage|Access|Sitemap|Links|Privacy Policy|Contact Copyright(C) Research Institute of Green Science and Technology, Shizuoka University. All Rights Reserved. Information About RIGST Introduce Organization Academic Staff Research Activities InstrumentalAnalysis Center Publication News Letter LANGUAGE JAPANESE ENGLISH

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