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English 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー ホーム > 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー > No.38 英語の語彙指導を心理学の視点から問い直す: -指導実態の解明と新たな実践の提案- No.38 英語の語彙指導を心理学の視点から問い直す: -指導実態の解明と新たな実践の提案- 2021.06.25 Download PDF 内田 奈緒 Reconsidering English Vocabulary Instruction from a Psychological Perspective: Investigation of English Teachers’ Instruction and Suggestion of a Practice Nao Uchida April, 2021 Abstract This research focused on English vocabulary instruction from the perspective of psychology. The aim was to clarify issues in English teachers’ current vocabulary instruction and obtain suggestions for more effective instruction for students to promote effective vocabulary learning. Study1 conducted an interview on teachers’ vocabulary instruction, strategy knowledge, recognition of the cause of students’ difficulty and beliefs. The current results showed that few teachers explicitly instruct strategies with deep processing, while most teachers taught strategy implicitly, but not explicitly. Explicit strategy instruction was suggested to be hindered by belief issues and failure to recognize students&#8217; difficulty at a cognitively deeper level. Study2 conducted explicit strategy instruction and subsequent implicit instruction in regular lessons and investigated the change in student strategy use. As a result, there was a continued increase in students&#8217; use of deeper strategies, and this change was prompted by awareness of difficulty in vocabulary learning and recognition of the effectiveness of strategies to address them. Finally, based on the two studies, the current issues and some suggestions for instruction to cultivate students’ skills to learn effectively by themselves were discussed. « No.37 情動的落涙傾向が高い個人の泣き場面と内的状態一覧No.39 地方自治体の政策的な大学立地が高校生の大学進学に与える影響 -千葉県を対象として- » Home センター概要 イベント 研究活動 若手研究者育成プロジェクト 附属学校データベースプロジェクト センター関連プロジェクト ESDプロジェクト 知識基盤社会を支える人材育成に向けた大学院教育に関する国際比較研究 その他プロジェクト スタッフ 出版物 センターニュースレター 研究紀要 ワーキングペーパー 報告書 学内専用 リンク集 Center for Advanced School Education and Evidence-based Research, U Tokyo Copyright(c) 2010-2024 Center for Advanced School Education and Evidence-based Research (CASEER), The University of Tokyo

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